The aim of the NAVSPACE-H Project is the development of a completely Italian sensor useful for space navigation activities, a gyroscopic sensor based on a hemispheric resonator (HRG), currently in TRL2, to be used for satellites and launchers. HRG technology was introduced by Northrop Grumman Corporation with the Scalable Space Inertial Reference Unit…
The general purpose of the MAGIC project (Enabling Technologies for ALM Manufacturing, Jointing and Control of Aerospace Thrusters) is the development of enabling technologies aimed at the full industrialization of additive manufacturing processes (Additive Layer Manufacturing – ALM) of alloys and super alloys of nickel and copper for the production of aerospace components, complementary joining…
The purpose of the eRAD project is the use of electron sources, available at the INFN-LNF pivotal OdR, to measure the behavior and resistance of electronic components intended to be subjected to radiation in the aerospace environment. These measures are of considerable importance for estimating the life cycle of electronic devices that will be applied…
The SOLE project proposes the construction of a demonstrator for the soilless cultivation of plants, based on solid state artificial lighting (LED). The project will study the best light recipes for duration, intensity and spectral quality, optimized to achieve the different phases of plant growth. The demonstrator will be equipped with non-destructive analysis systems to…
The MUSE (MUltisensor based SErvices) project intends to create a service prototype for the assessment of multi-hazard risk in urban environments, a risk mainly induced by geo-dynamic, atmospheric and environmental problems capable of causing damage to the territory and citizens. . There are many dimensions of risk, which must be taken on by Operators and…
With W-SHIELD we intend to develop innovative shielding materials for ionizing radiation that are highly relevant on two fronts: – on the one hand, they are important for applications in the aerospace sector both for the protection of biological systems and for the type of advanced manufacturing processes compatible with microgravity; – on the other,…